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Divorce Healing 30-day Challenge

  • 30 Days
  • 64 Steps


Have you taken a hit to your ego from divorce? Do you feel stuck, depressed, and out of alignment? In just 30 days this challenge will vault you forward. It will reveal your purpose, your motivations, and the roadblocks you have living into your alignment. For the next 30 days, you will receive a notification from Wix with a reminder for each day's assignments as part of the program. Instructions should be clear and easy to comprehend but if you have any questions please let us know. The key to success in this program is consistency, following through on your commitment you've made to the universe to participate in this course and honoring that commitment for your personal growth. Simply read each daily session's notes and reply to it in the app by the end of each day. We will reply as needed to ask follow up questions or provide insights to improve the impact of each day's message. The intent of this program is to be INTENSIVE, so it’s beneficial to stay on track and complete each day’s assignments that day. This program is a test of your personal integrity and I expect you to honor your word to yourself to complete the 30 days of activities. Lastly, check your ego at the door when you receive feedback. Our intent with this is to provide non-judgmental and honest feedback on on your submissions and to help you get the most out of the time you're allocating.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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