For graduates of the 30 day Personal Development challenge!! Now that you've locked in on the concepts of setting and achieving we'll focus on building your habit for another 28 days, putting you just shy of the 66 day average it takes to create a new habit! This challenge will unfold similarly but not the same as the 30 day and has a couple more new, unique opportunities for you to expand your growth. The key to success in this program is consistency, following through on your commitment you've made to the universe to participate in this course and honoring that commitment for your personal growth. Simply read each daily session's notes and reply to it in the app by the end of each day. We will reply to your daily submissions as needed to ask follow up questions or provide insights to improve the impact of each day's message. The intent of this program is to be INTENSIVE, so it’s beneficial to stay on track and complete each day’s assignments that day. Our intent with this is to provide non-judgmental and honest feedback on on your submissions and to help you get the most out of the time you're allocating.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app