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Writer's picture: Bob WischerBob Wischer

In my reading this week I got into the word ”intentions”. This was not unfamiliar to me but I really never grasped the concept until I heard this authors explanation and then did some online research.

In a nutshell, what I’m taking away from what I learned is you have goals, which are future wants and plans to realize those wants, versus intentions which are wants in the present moment.

So for example, I could set a goal to lose 10 pounds, and obviously at a savfe amount of 2 per week it would take roughly 5 weeks to do so, a time in the future. Now I may accomplish this goal and i may not, and if so I could be disappointed or frustrated because I just spend 5 weeks of precious time and didn’t get what i wanted.

On the other side, if I was to have set an intention to want to eat better today so as to have enough energy to do what I wanted to do today, staying focused on that intention for that day would give me a much better chance for success and fulfillment of the want. Then stringing several days and weeks of that reiterated intention together would override the want to lose 10 pounds because you already had the outcome of more energy.

In my practice as a health coach I work with people who want to ”lose weight” but we set intentions to create more energy on a daily basis instead of focusing on the 10 pound goal. To discuss how we can work on this together, visit my home page and click on the application for one-on-one coaching.

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